Tidal Trout & Bass

Tidal Trout & Bass

Posted by Lure Geek on 24th May 2015

Headed to a tidal river in Sussex on southern coast of the UK yesterday morning to target sea trout. Started fishing at 06:00 which was a bit late and fished until 08:30.

Landed two small sea trout and a brown in the river then headed off to fish a Sussex shingle beach. Hundreds of bass seen and lots of bird activity. Caught and released about 20 small bass and a Garfish. Looking forward to bigger sea trout and the bigger bass moving close in.

Sea trout on a Duo Tide Minnow.

Looks like this little sea trout below has been bullied by a bigger fish.

Healthy looking brown working the salt wedge.

Lots of little bass eating anything.

Greedy little bass hitting the secret surface weapon.